Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thoughts on...
March 15, 2009: Third Sunday in Lent
Gospel Lesson: John 2:13-22

What does it mean to be the church? Is the church defined by its building, those gathered, its worship?

Jesus was outraged by what he found at the temple as he went to celebrate Passover. People were selling animals and changing money. It was all about what was happening inside. Folks were travelling a good distance and would need an unblemished animal for sacrifice. What was going on inside was not technically out of bounds, it was all a part of the worship process.

What's wrong with the money changers and sellers setting up close to where their wares would be sacrificed? Jesus cries out, "Stop making my Father's house a marketplace." This isn't worship, this is convenience. You are too comfortable. You are going through the actions but it has lost its meaning.

Jesus shakes up the comfortable temple and leaves those gathered asking by what authority do you do this? Jesus says, "Destroy the temple and I will raise it in 3 days." Jesus has stopped talking about the physical building and is now refering to his death and resurrection that is to come.

The church is all about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is not about the comfort that you find in a particular building with familiar people surrounding you in worship. The church is to be on the move. Knocking over the tables of complacency and tearing down the walls that separate us from the community. To be the Church is to reach out with the love of Christ and minister to those around us.

1 comment:

  1. I think that shaking up the physical comfort zone within the building could be a place to start. Having 1/2 of the attendees at worship to move to the opposite side of the sanctuary and all attendees move at least 2 rows away from usual spots is a big step for some even though it may seem so small.
